Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 12 - Blood Like a Jewel

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 12
Blood Like a Jewel


Since this was 1958, the "lost year" in Little Rock, Arkansas, there weren't any students permitted into the high school.  This is a picture of the empty halls of Central High School during the "lost year."

Because the schools were closed in 1958, classes were held on television.  Students would get up, go to their living room, and watch a teacher teach on public television for an hour for each subject.   

Would you prefer to have TV class rather than coming to school each day? Defend your choice with three supporting reasons.

Response Question

1.) Describe something in your life that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and safe.  How does your object relate to Marlee's?

2.) Explain the significance of the chapter's title.

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