Friday, February 22, 2013

The Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 27 - The Meeting

The Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 27
The Meeting

Women’s Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools members Vivion L. Brewer, Adolphine Fletcher Terry, and Pat House (left to right); November 2, 1963.

Hochman Sentences

Marlee didn’t see any “colored women” at the meeting…




She got a phone call.

            (from) Who? 

            (about )What?


Complete Sentence:


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 12 - Blood Like a Jewel

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 12
Blood Like a Jewel


Since this was 1958, the "lost year" in Little Rock, Arkansas, there weren't any students permitted into the high school.  This is a picture of the empty halls of Central High School during the "lost year."

Because the schools were closed in 1958, classes were held on television.  Students would get up, go to their living room, and watch a teacher teach on public television for an hour for each subject.   

Would you prefer to have TV class rather than coming to school each day? Defend your choice with three supporting reasons.

Response Question

1.) Describe something in your life that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and safe.  How does your object relate to Marlee's?

2.) Explain the significance of the chapter's title.

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 7 - A New Roommate

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 7 
A New Roommate

Before MP3's, there were CDs, and before that, there were cassette tapes, and before that, there were 8tracks, and before that, were records.  Please say you've heard of or see one of these before?  

Judy and Marlee spend much of their day listening to their record of South Pacific.  This is a famous play that is still on Broadway today!

Let's listen to the words of this song "You've Got to be Carefully Taught" from South Pacific.  What do these words have in common with one of the themes of the book that we are reading, The Lions of Little Rock.


You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

Response Questions:

1.)  Why is Marlee conflicted about her relationship with JT?

2.)  How does Marlee feel about her relationships with her family?

Quote Analysis: 

"I was almost thirteen.  I shouldn't need my older sister to fuss over me or tell me what to do.  But I did.  Without her, I was afraid I'd just get quieter and quieter, until even Mother and Daddy didn't remember I was there."

1.) What is happening in the story at this point?
2.) What does this quote tell the reader how Marlee must feel about her sister, Judy?
3.) What is a comparison you can make between Judy, Liz, and the Lions of Little Rock?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 3- Queen Elizabeth

The Lions of Little Rock: Chapter 3- Queen Elizabeth

tittered- a short, suppressed giggle
reign- to rule something... related to royalty

There is a purpose for every single thing written in a story.  From the date, to the words chosen by the character, down to the color of clothes a character is wearing.  Good readers keep in mind the things that are learned as they read.  Many times, you will be able to infer information and make predictions based on what you remember from earlier in the story.  As we read today, see if you can make a prediction about the book or characters based on information that was already given to us in a previous chapter. 

Marlee recalls that her dad started driving her to school after "one of the girls had been surrounded by a mob at the bus stop."

Remember Elizabeth Eckford?  This is the picture that Marlee is referring to.  

Sally's friend, Nora, wears horn-rimmed glasses.  This is what she may have looked like.

As Marlee typically does, she describes Nora as weak fruit punch, UNLIKE Sally who is cough syrup. Based on the metaphor, what doe you think Nora's personality is like?

We then meet Mrs. Taylor, Marlee's teacher for this year.  She is described as either coffee, or the vinegar at the bottom of a pickle jar.  Does this seem like a good thing?  What do you think that Mrs. Taylor does that gives Marlee this impression? 

Marlee doesn't mind sitting alone.  She thinks that there are worse things in life like "leprosy"which is a flesh eating disease... no picture necessary.  

During lunch, Marlee eats a pimento cheese sandwich.  Pimento cheese is easily one of the most delicious "foods" ever!  Pimento cheese is a mixture of cheese, mayonnaise, and pimentos (the little red peppers inside of spanish olives).  Doesn't it look delicious?!?!

Marlee is struggling to decide what drink Liz is.  She is unsure if she is wholesome milk or a shot of whisky.  What is the difference between these two drinks?

Discussion Questions:

1.) After Marlee's dad invites a "colored pastor" to talk at his bible group, he had a note put in his paper.  This note made dad feel as though he needed to drive Marlee to school for the rest of the year.  What do you think that the note said?

2.) Were you surprised by the interaction between Sally and Liz?  Why or why not?

3.) If Liz were a drink, what drink would she be?  Support your choice with evidence from the text.